Finding the will of God - a personal testimony

In ths summer of 1997, about 15 years ago (at the time I write this), I was confronted with a multitude of choices while I was at the Bible School. I had to decide which way to go and which way not to go. It was simple now - as I look back to that moment - but it was difficult for me then. I was so confused and so afraid of what it might happen if I were to pick the wrong choice that I entered in a state of panic and spiritual depression. I was praying and crying before the Lord and one morning this idea came to me, to go call a mentor of mine and ask for some counseling, some friendly advice. That mentor proved to be a God send messenger to me, and the Lord dealt with my heart then. What follows in this article is from a paper that I received from that mentor, there are some great steps that I followed then that helped me in making the right choice. I will never regret the choice I made then. I will never forget what that mentor did for me and I appreciate God for sending me the help I needed in the right time. I hope you will enjoy this and will be of help to you in your daily walk with the Lord.

How to prepare your heart for the call of God

1. Make sure your body has become a living and sanctified sacrifice unto the Lord. (Rom. 12:1-2)

2. Make sure there is no conscious sin dulling your spiritual ear and spiritual sight. (Eph. 1:18; Col. 1:9)

3. Make sure there are no preconceived personal plans and preferences. (Ps. 25:9)

4. Make sure you obey God daily and gladly in the little things of everyday life. Practice obedience to God and man. (Luke 19:17; 1 Sam. 15:22)

5. Make sure you are willing to go and be used anywhere. (John 7:17)

6. Form the habit of daily prayer, Bible study, and private meditations before the Lord. (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 77:12; 119:15, 25, 45)

7. Form the habit of waiting patiently upon the Lord and expect Him to direct every step of your everyday life. (Prov. 3:6; Ps. 23:3)

8. Study carefully the Word of God relative to the purposes of God for the Christian life and church. Become saturated with the Word. (Ps. 119:11, 104-5)

9. Study carefully the great spiritual needs of our day and prepare to meet them. Get a world vision and a world burden. (John 4:35)

10. Spend much time in intercessory prayer for the cause and ministry of Christ at home and on foreign fields. (Matt. 9:37-38)

11. Pray regularly and earnestly that God will make His will and call definite to you. (Ps. 25:4; 27:11; 143:8)

12. Rest in the promises of God and expect Him to meet you according to your need. He will make His will and call sure. (Ps. 37:5, 7a; 32:8)

How to test the call of God on your life

1. Does it agree with the general plan of God as set in His Word?

2. Can your circumstances be made to agree with what seems to be His leading?

3. Does the Holy Spirit bear continual witness that this is the will of God?

4. Are you still called when there is no challenge of adventure or glamour of heroism? If you were the only one to stand, would you still stand?

5. Are you willing to pay any price?

6. Are you merely “impressed” that you should go to a certain field, or is it a deep conviction?

Wherever He may guide me,
No want shall turn me back:
My shepherd is beside me,
And nothing can I lack.
His wisdom ever waketh:
His sight is never dim:
He knows the way He taketh,
And I will walk with Him.

(Anna L. Waring)

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