Why do Ashy Things Happen to Volcanic People

Rational reasons to irrational phenomena For those of you that live outside of Europe you might not understand this article fully unless you have watched the recent news about the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, a volcano in Iceland.

The recent eruption of long-time silent volcano in Iceland had led the economy of Europe to a complete hiccup; economists say so far they have not changed their models or predictions for European growth, hoping normal service could resume this week. But in a worst-case scenario, in which the ash cloud closes European airspace for months, one economist estimates lost travel and tourism revenue alone could knock 1-2 percentage points off regional growth as long as it lasts. European growth had been predicted at 1-1.5% for 20101.

If you don’t know what this means, you surely are on the way of finding the rational reasons to this irrational phenomena.

First of all we must consider the fact that this natural event was not expected by anyone. The idea of expectancy for the market, for sales and for future revenue of so many companies that depend on airlines for their profit has never been as evident as it is these days in Europe. On the other hand, the public transportation, car rental, bus coaching and bus rental had never seen such a growth as it has now. Now even the insurance companies are considering the idea of nature expectancy, because they will not have satisfied customers. So they are considering now the natural factor – something that time ago was considered an irrational reason.

Secondly, the idea of the effect of the volcanic eruption in Iceland had extended an estimate of the analysts of this shutdown to reduce the demand of jet fuel, of course, that will lead to the undermining of the jet fuel prices. This is another irrational thing happening right now. If I am staying to think more about this, I can only come up with several quick, simple reasons: either somebody planned the whole thing for a specific purpose; either someone had wished for it and he never heard the song “be careful what you wish for, for you might get it”; or, lastly, somebody had so much faith that he prayed and this event happened. This is just a rational reasoning here, but it might be taken into consideration. If the jet fuel price is undermined by a natural event, who is to be blamed? The insurance companies will never be blamed for the loss, nor will the airline companies that decided to stop flying; nor will be God, who is in control of all things. At least He is not doing things without a specific and clear purpose. Maybe Iceland deserved the eruption of the volcano and the other European countries were left with eyes opened wide to see and be amazed of what is going on. Maybe European Union will open its eyes and realize that all the modern technologies existing today, including the CERN and the LHC research program in Geneva, will not avail in the fight with the natural uncontrolled phenomena taking place these present days.

Volcanic clouds in Norway, April 2010,
courtesy of commons.wikimedia.org

Thirdly, the volcanic eruption can be controlled but people don’t have the means to do it right now. If man was able to create an airplane that could fly in the air, surely he will soon be able to create a plane that could fly through the ash clouds with no problem. If man was able to fly in the space and walk on the moon, he surely can do more than that! If you look at the volcano as if it were a small cup where a flame started, and another bigger cup with cold, freezing water that could be poured over to extinguish the burning flames there… imagine what reactions could take place. Some steams, some smoke, some ashes and then a complete freezing. It’s not such a big thing; it just takes big minds to understand the small cup idea. I think I launched through this the idea of future development of controlling nature with nature itself!

I must add here a joke. Two astronauts met and discussed about man’s desire to launch a study of the sun and place a flag there, just like he did on the Moon, Mars and the other places he visited in space. The other astronaut said it is impossible because of the solar eruptions taking place on the Sun. The other astronaut was more confident and less pessimist, so he added, we will land on it during the night!

So, if we still wonder why everything of this that had happened to Europe and why we can’t fly for the moment, we must remind ourselves that we are clay too, and the volcanic eruption is reminding us that we will soon be brought to ashes if we don’t look up to God to save us! Why do people see the ash cloud up in the atmosphere and cannot comprehend that it is so clear the sign for the whole mankind: our salvation comes from above, from the Maker of heavens and the earth!

1. http://ww.moneycontrol.com/news/world-news/economy-impact-to-rise-sharply-if-ash-cloud-lingers_452227-0.html

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